Friday, December 6, 2013


     Songwriting is not easy. In fact, attempting to write a song with meaning, rhythm, and melody is often close to impossible. As one of my idols, Brian Fallon (lead singer of The Gaslight Anthem) once said: "I'd love to say I could sit down and write you a kick-ass song on command, but I'd be lying."
     Songs have the ability to calm, to excite, and to depress. Similarly, the act of writing the song has the same effect on the writer. Whatever I write songs about tends to effect my mood. For instance, when I'd write songs about depressing topics, like death, heartbreak, or confusion, I'd often get frustrated, snap my pencil in half and throw my notebook at a wall.
     What I'm trying to get at in this blog post is that I currently have an overwhelming urge to write a song. I have a chord progression, I have a melody, but I'm scared to write the lyrics. I'm in a perfectly good mood, it's Friday, classes are done, why would I want to ruin that? I guess I'll just wait till a dreary boring day next week when I'm desperately procrastinating for finals. It's going to be a good song, but it can wait.

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