Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Once" is Enough

     I was given the chance to see the play "Once" performed yesterday. The the plot of the play is an Irish musician who was left to rot in Ireland after the love of his life left for New York. Playing sad songs in bars led to meeting a mysterious Czech girl who convinces him to go after the girl. This is easier said than done, and it takes the pursuing of a dream to get the musician to New York.
     I loved the music of the play. As a musician myself, I appreciated the live instrumentals, vocals, and raw lyrics of the score. Each actor played a different instrument, all of which can be heard in common Irish sessions.
     As for the plot, it's been done before. Two people fall in love, but it's forbidden. The tragic love story of a Czech and an Irishman is just strange to me, and frankly, I could have done with out the annoying Czech accent.
     All-in-all, viewing "Once" wasn't a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon, especially after stuffing my face with Italian food at Tony DiNapolli's on Broadway. However, I don't plan on going to see the play again any time soon.

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