Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Things I Google

     It actually amazes me how much one can tell about a person through their search engine history, specifically Google. Children Google things they want for Christmas, the elderly Google genealogy in hopes of discovering more about their origins before they head for the big wheel in the sky, and everyone else Googles whatever pops into their heads.
     After looking into my own history, I chuckled a bit. Everything I've Googled in the past week could define me in a nutshell.
     Trucks for sale, song lyrics, guitar chords, writing internships, dog names, it''s obvious that I've put a little thought into my further through my search history. What will I do? What will I be? Cliche questions with constant unique answers.
     I want to be a writer. I want to be involved with music; whether that means writing about bands or concerts, or writing about the stock market while playing in a Jersey Shore bar band. Whatever makes me happy will be ideal, and until I discover what that is, I'll just have to keep on Googling.

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